
Saturday, October 11, 2003

Before tonight's Yankees-Red Sox game, the Boston Globe held a contest asking readers to predict tomorrow's headline. Not knowing their pitcher would hurt a 72-year-old, no one won.

90% of entries used some combination of the Sox' moronic "Cowboy Up" mantra, a play on Roger Clemens' nickname, The Rocket, or a brilliant use of the fact that Pedro Martinez is Dominican. Some examples:

With Aces High Sox Cowboy Up
Andrew, Northampton

Cowboys shoot down Rocket
Tony, Woburn

Dominican Dominator shoots down Rocket Roger's Fenway finale.
wes d. holley, horn lake
Report in The Olympian: Letters from soldiers praising the war in Iraq have been appearing in newspapers across the country. The problem is, they're all form letters, often signed without the soldiers' knowlege.

. . . . A seventh soldier didn't know about the letter until his father congratulated him for getting it published in the local newspaper in Beckley, W.Va.

"When I told him he wrote such a good letter, he said: 'What letter?' " Timothy Deaconson said Friday, recalling the phone conversation he had with his son, Nick. "This is just not his (writing) style."

He spoke to his son, Pfc. Nick Deaconson, at a hospital where he was recovering from a grenade explosion that left shrapnel in both his legs. . . . .

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Bad news: Our beloved rabbit, Daisy, died today from a severe bacterial infection. We had her for four years, and she was officially the greatest rabbit who ever lived. She will be sorely missed.
I've written a concise history of my blog. Read it here.
Bush Official Demands Urine

BOSTON (AP) -- President Bush's drug czar told New England governors Wednesday that drug testing in schools would be an effective way to combat a growing problem of drug use among young people, but area school officials caution there are problems with it . . .

. . . "This is a tool that will make a difference," Walters said of drug testing of school children. "It's time has come."
GOP humor mill presents: Democrat Debate Bingo.

I, Craig D'Entrone, do hereby attest that on or about the dates of June 1, 2003, through July 14, 2003, I did not contact, whether by telephone, facsimile, e-mail, in person, or by any other means, any reporter, correspondent, journalist, or any other member of the media, with the intent to or purpose of naming former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, as an operative for the Central Intelligence Agency.

You too can declare your innocence in Moveon's affidavit. Click here.
Guardian report: Ba'athists Make Great Bureaucra'ats

Including this tidbit about Fox News's hiring standards:

"The second-in-command at the information ministry, who spent his days reading the reports the minders wrote about visiting foreign journalists, has been employed by Fox News."

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

The final tally:

Larry Flynt, publisher: 15,454
Gary Coleman, actor: 12,683
Mary "Mary Carey" Cook, porn star: 10,110
Bruce Margolin, weed activist: 7,971
Gallagher, watermelon-smasher: 4,862

With 172 votes, Todd "Bumhunter" Lewis came in last in the recall election. See what Californians missed out on here.
Click here to submit your vote for Michael Jackson to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Slate's William Saletan on why being a great candidate makes Wesley Clark a bad candidate.
Arizona Supreme Court Allows Mass Gay Marriage Ceremony on Martin Luther King Day

Just kidding. They said no.
First real bad news about the Clark campaign: His campaign manager resigned over differences with internet geeks. Um, internet activists.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Get yer California recall T-shirts here.

As a New Yorker, I could give a shit about the California recall. However, as a Diff'rent Strokes fan and avid porn watcher, I wish I was there.
TPM's new Wesley Clark interview is available here.

Monday, October 06, 2003

Look out, Al Franken, there's hilarious right-wing T-shirts for sale.
Um, where'd the cheese go?
I always wondered how a blue-collar veteran like my dad could support Bush. The Nation Institute condescendingly credits Bush with tricking "Nascar Dads."
Bizarro top-rated Legion of Doom evildoer.

Thanks Peat.

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