
Friday, October 17, 2003

This might be the greatest photo I've ever seen. Or maybe this one. Some photos to cherish:

1. Massholes in the dumps.

2. Shock and awe.

3. Lonely teardrops.

4. Those who don't know their history . . .

5. This one's a pissah.

6. It's back to the sorority house for us.

7. Silver lining: comfort sex.

8. The least successful business in America.

9. It's back to the bullpen for you.

10. God's not listening.

Dewey defeats Truman; Sox beat Yanks.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Ben Affleck: Red Sox fan, bad actor, Bush-basher. How am I supposed to decide whether or not to like this guy?
Less than a week after Daisy died, we got a new rabbit. But we ain't got a name.

I'm looking for name suggestions for a little brown furball with floppy ears who likes to leap across rooms in a single bound.

So far, we like:
Lady Poopsalot

Please help.
8/30/00: Cheney: Help is on the way!

10/16/03: Military: Help!

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

File under: Bush & Schwarzenegger: two great tastes that go great together.
File under: They've got WMD! And we should know!

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

How did I miss this?

Mrs. Ehrlich: I Really Regret Making Britney Statement
Md. First Lady: She Would 'Shoot Britney Spears'

. . . In remarks taped by WFMD Radio, the first lady said, "If I had an opportunity to shoot Britney Spears, I think I would."

On Wednesday, Mrs. Ehrlich (pictured, left) apologized and explained what she meant at a charity golf tournament in Queenstown, Md.

"I really regret making the statement. It was off-handed, it was in jest and it was inappropriate and I know better," Mrs. Ehrlich said. . . .

Don't worry, Mrs. Ehrlich. You're only repeating what every alienated junior high school kid has said for the last five years.

Monday, October 13, 2003

First, there's the HBO documentary about the heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune and his loaded friends. Then, there's this new MTV show about Tommy Hilfiger's kid and her rich friend. And Fox has a reality show about Paris Hilton and Lionel Richie's daughter.

The one thing they all have in common -- besides the money -- is that they're making fun of their subjects. I can think of a few unemployed friends who'd dig that.
Couple great features in the big boy newspapers this weekend:

NYT/Frontline investigation of the Lackawanna, NY "sleeper cell."

WP feature on Aung San Suu Kyi.
"Now turn your sign to the left . . ."

Police in Kansas City, arresting a local writer at a protest outside a Laura Bush appearance, take mug shots of both the man and his sign.

His essay is here.

" . . . I was fingerprinted and my mug shot was taken, but then something very strange occurred. The sign I brought with me to the protest was given a mug shot as well . . . My sign read, 'What is Bush hiding about 9-11? Stop the 9-11 cover-up!' . . . I'd understand my mugshot being in a KC police file for a 'Disorderly Conduct' charge. But who is the other information for? . . . "

Thanks, Don!

The trailer for Mel Gibson's The Passion is available here. (Has it been out for a while?) For a few minutes after watching it, I felt like starting a pogrom. But then I went to sleep.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Must-see TV.

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